Little Red Jetta part 2

I texted a friend and told her that I bet 8:45 a.m. meant more like 9:30 a.m. Sure enough. At 9:30 a.m. the clerk came out to ask for our papers. As it would happen, our POC was not arriving anytime soon. -1 In a stroke of luck, she asked the clerk to fax our paperwork to her to review. +1. Note, We are still even.

We waited for the verdict.

Presto! Perfetto! All in order. We simply had to give them €110 and we could have the keys. Allora!

After some stamping of paperwork, passport checks and proof we had tags, they let us drive away in the car. +5

But not so fast. Turns out we actually do have to go to that office downtown to get the stamped T1 customs form. We must take the form to Vicenza for the customs inspection and clearing. We have 3 to 5 days after the stamp to complete this process or we have to pay a 22% import tax based on their value of the vehicle. This form is very important.

We arrive at the office only to be informed that we must sit and wait for the colleague who handles customs. -3


I think we’re up at this point, but I’m taking bets on when the colleague returns from his espresso break. Fingers crossed it’s before the lunch break or riposo.

Note: Now a big truck is parked behind the little red Jetta. Language prevented me from communicating how bad this is. At first we were both blocked. I convinced him to move with a lot of smiling and gesturing. But he only moved so far and then he was done. I think he said he would only be 10 minutes. I guess that was his bet. Allora.

Couldn’t make it up if I tried.

Little Red Jetta part 1

Up at 4:30 am to drive to Ravenna to pick up our little red Jetta. Buy gas with coupons out of town +1.

Arrive given address and nothing there remotely like a place to pick up car. -1.

Google maps suggests an uficcio downtown which our better judgement says is wrong. We drive all around the port terminal area looking for Intermarine Shipping (IMS) and notice a sign for Traghetti e Crociere, a name on our paperwork. +1

We make a U turn and walk in an Italian ferry office to ask where the T&C office is located. The older gentleman speaks no English but recognizes the name and turns out it is only two doors down. +2

We get excited.

But in true Italian fashion, our POC did not arrive at 8:30 opening time. -4

Jerry reconned the lot and found the Jetta playing hide and seek with us. +1.

So far we are even.

Allora, we wait. And someone can sleep anywhere. He’s even snoring.